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  • Seppy Yoon

Melonie is Great! Kickstarter Update

Hey Fight Fans!

Sorry the news is late but we’ve had a busy month!

First up, we’ve welcomed Melonie Lavely as a partner in Fight in a Box! It was only natural considering the mountain of work she has been putting into End of the Line v3.0. Her years of design and production are a major asset marching forward to the EotL Kickstarter. Melonie and her husband Nick have been big supporters of our projects since we started. We are excited about her future with FiaB!

Our next big news is EotL. Melonie “finished” all the pieces-parts (the home base, button, and secret stash mock-ups “done”) and we’ve requested quotes from our first set of vendors. We’ve been pushing hard towards getting the Kickstarter together. With these quotes, we’ll finally start to answer the question “what is all this going to cost?” Our priority is figuring out a date to launch and having offerings that you will be excited about.

In convention shenanigans, Seppy and Bob are gearing up for Warmachine Weekend...we’ll be bringing prototypes of EotL, CP4 and Undermind ready for people to play. We will also have a new batch of Squirrel or Die available! Our hearts go out to Carl and the crew who are driving themselves crazy getting ready for the convention. Looking forward to seeing the new


Game development-wise we have made some great progress with Conquest Princess! After much playtesting, tweaking and repeating we’ve reached a goal of sub 90 minute game play. (Although Bob wants it known for the record that the 2 1/2 hour game was awesome.)

Fiab Kickstarter Update

Stay tuned for the latest vlog!

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